1. AlleleShift::Poptri.1985to2085
    Example data sets for Populus trichocarpa.
  2. AlleleShift::Poptri.baseline.env
    Example data sets for Populus trichocarpa.
  3. AlleleShift::Poptri.freq.baseline
    Example data sets for Populus trichocarpa.
    data.frame|95 x 19
  4. AlleleShift::Poptri.freq.future
    Example data sets for Populus trichocarpa.
    data.frame|95 x 19
  5. AlleleShift::Poptri.future.env
    Example data sets for Populus trichocarpa.
  6. AlleleShift::Poptri.genind
    Example data sets for Populus trichocarpa.
  7. AlleleShift::Poptri.loc
    Example data sets for Populus trichocarpa.
  8. BiodiversityR::BCI.env
    Barro Colorado Island Quadrat Descriptions
  9. BiodiversityR::CucurbitaClim
    Baseline and Future WorldClim 2.1 Climatic Data for Cucurbita Species
  10. BiodiversityR::faramea
    Faramea occidentalis abundance in Panama
  11. BiodiversityR::ifri
    Example data from the International Forestry Resources and Institutions (IFRI) research network
  12. BiodiversityR::transfgradient
    Gradient for Hypothetical Example of Turover of Species Composition
  13. BiodiversityR::transfspecies
    Hypothetical Example of Turover of Species Composition
  14. BiodiversityR::warcom
    Warburgia ugandensis AFLP Scores
  15. BiodiversityR::warenv
    Warburgia ugandensis Population Structure
  16. maxlike::MaungaWhau
    Fake data for the Maunga Whau volcano
  17. maxlike::carw.data
    The Carolina Wren data used by Royle et al. (2012)
  18. RcmdrPlugin.WorldFlora::WFO.test
    Data set to test WorldFlora GUI
  19. WorldFlora::WFO.example
    World Flora Online (WFO) taxonomic backbone example data set
  20. WorldFlora::vascular.families
    Orders and Higher Level Classifications of Vascular Plants